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[this is good] The most useful service for DarkPan/CPAN would be to provide a complete timeboxed CPAN snapshot..

John Napiorkowski

You mean like a minicpan of current versions to a certain point in time? I guess a build service for that wold not be too hard, but I'm not sure it would meet any particular need, since creating a minicpan is pretty straightforward.http://perlbuzz.com/mechanix/2008/01/make-your-own-mini-cpan.htmlI'd love to hear more about the type of problem you have that you think this could solve. Thanks!


[this is good]
Hi John,
Apologies for taking a while to reply..
the situation, you've got a webfarm of 5 machines and a dev machine.
Those 5 machines have been added at the rate of one machine every 6
months. Each machine built from live CPAN mirrors ends up having
slightly different versions of CPAN code. Eventually at some point in
time the newest machine you try to build has problems/incompatibilties
with your own in house apps.. (the problem we currently face). e.g. One
of the newer versions of a core module like DBIx::Class simply fails at
runtime somehwere deep within our application.

John Napiorkowski

^^ martin: In this case I imagine a situation were a company could pay for a 'frozen' version of cpan that contained known working versions plus their custom code. However my guess is that its better to just keep building against the newest cpan and just try to id and fix problems.Definitely all 6 machines in the above case need to be synced. What I do is build to box one and then rsync to the remaining, including perl local libs.

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