Test::DBIx::Class still has too many test failures. I was sure my last fix would do it, but since I can't replicate the reported issue (and a glance through the test reports seems to indicate its all the same strange issue with Test::Differences) I am at a bit of a loss for now. At least it seems my other troublesome modules, such as DBIx::Class::Schema::PopulateMore, seems to be settling down with the latest round of changes. I know that this component is becoming less and less useful give how far along DBIC's support for multicreate has come, but I still find it useful, particularly when setting up fixtures for database testing or for seeding a database as part of an application initialization.
Speak of loss, looks like Vox is closing. This comes at little surprise to me, but its still a bummer since I've made some sort of effort to brand this url. Oh well.
My latest work is on Github, another Plack debugging panel: Plack::Middleware::Debug::DBIC::QueryLog which creates a sort of Plack universal DBIC querylog that can be shared across all Plack applications. Right now I have a single adaptor for Catalyst, called Catalyst::TraitFor::Model::DBIC::Schema::QueryLog::AdoptPlack which is intended to be a fully compatible replacement for Catalyst::TraitFor::Model::DBIC::Schema::QueryLog, just using the Plack based querylog object. The tests and docs need improvement, but I have this running on my testing application. Feel feel to poke, prod and complain.
I'll probably post one more time here at Vox once I decide where I will take this blog. Looks like moving to Typepad will be easiest. Thanks!