That is the Question!
I've wanted to like Dist::Zilla for a long time since I generally agree with the idea that the developer dependencies and management should be cleanly separated from the user installation experience. Where I've felt let down by dzil in the past is the size of the installation and the fact that it really seems to take over the development process.
However during my last cycle of upgrading and patching modules by other authors who are using DistZilla I found that the process is significantly smoother. Most of what I like to do I can do the way I always have, or have straightforward dzil commands. So I'm tempted again!
For years I've tried to mimic the clean separation of developer and installer using Module::Install, which I have a lot of experience using and in general has been pretty solid. I minic this with a bit of custom logic that detects developer mode and including the extra bits if so. Again, this works, but its another 'I've rolled my own' things, which generally I don't like when there are good community accepted and supported solutions available.
So, I'm open to using dzil, just wondering what other people experiences have been. If I change some of my CPAN stuff to DistZilla, will that help/hurt/neither my contributor base?
So of the thoughts I am having so far:
- For modules that already are somewhat dependency heavy (already need Moose for example) DistZilla is probably not going to be a big stretch for contributors
- Conversely, for some of my Plack middlewares where I am trying hard to keep light, I might consider just continuing to do what I currently do
- For projects in communities where DistZilla is not preferred, I might avoid it for now.
Thanks for suggestions and advice in advance!