Morning Catalyst Programmers and Users!
I'm pleased to announced that the current development branch of Catalyst has been deemed stable and ready for use. This release of Catalyst has focused on stablizing features introduced in earlier version, but it has the usually accompaniment of new features and documentation improvements. You can see the full changelog here, but the summary is:
-- Default log level is now Info, not Debug.
-- Stash is now a PSGI middleware component.
-- Encoding plugin code has been merged into
-- Some cleanup to remove code supporting long depracated options such as the PSGI engine and support for finding the PSGI env in the Engine object.
As usual I hope you all upgrade, test it out and shout out if you run into issues. The expectation here is that we'd be quite compatible with any release of Catalyst in the last two years, and that older versions of Catalyst should be upgradable as long as you follow the Delta file changes and changelog recommendations.
Expect to see goal setting and a new development branch cut between now and CPAN day!